What does this section hold for you?

Well, let me tell you!

Specific Movements

These specific movements patterns will teach you how to use unconventional tools such as kettlebells, steel maces, steel clubs and others. For example, check out this basic kettlebell swing:


"Flow" Videos

In addition to adding specific movements to your toolbox, here you will find "Flow Videos." These videos are designed to combine multiple movements to hit multiple body parts in a short amount of time. The flows are definitely addicting, but in order to create or learn them, it is essential to master the basic movements first.

After you've mastered the basic movements with the steel mace, try out this flow: 

In this flow, there is a 360 swing, squat, curl from squat, shoulder press from squat, ballistic curls, and more swings! So there is a lot going into each flow, but hours were spent in mastering the form of each individual aspect before combining them into this flow.


Also included in this section are workout tutotials, from fat burning to Strength building.


Fight Combinations

Throughout my college career and beyond, I have been a student of the Martial Arts, with a focus on kickboxing. If you're looking to compete or just looking for a great cardio workout, this video library includes some fight combinations that I've learned and created through my years as a martial artist.  

Here, my Instructor and I are demonstrating a Muay Thai Combination: 

In this video, we are working our jab, lazy jab, cross, elbows, knees, kicks and hooks. But there is so much more going on. There is movement, timing, flowing back and forth.